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Walker Primary School Inspiring a love of learning in a supportive community

Year 1

Year 1 Spring Curriculum Newsletter

Year 1 Meet The Teacher

Curriculum Newsletters 2023-2024

Welcome Year 1!


We are extremely excited to have you all back and we are so proud of how well all the children have settled in. 


Below we have attached Year 1's newsletter for autumn term. This has all the information about what we will be learning this term. Also, attached is the 'Meet the Teacher' presentation, with key information that you need to know now. 


Thank you


Year 1 team

Notice- Transition from Reception to Year 1


What is transition?


Learning in reception is play-based, children have lots of freedom to choose their own activities and can move on to something else when they choose. In Year 1, learning becomes more formal, subject-based and adult-directed.


Year 1 are now in their transitional period, this means there is still play based activities such as; motor skills/writing/drawing/building/constructing/role-playing, which they can choose after their work is completed. 


Gradually, expectations increase in Year 1. Children need to be able to follow instructions, focus for longer periods and become more independent. 


How can you help at home?


  • Encourage children to dress and undress independently.
  • Remind children when it is homework and reading book day (Wednesdays).
  • Read, read, read. Reading with and to your child is the single most powerful thing you can do to support their learning and progress at school.
  • Encourage your child to write, but make it fun and meaningful. For example, writing a shopping list for a meal they have chosen, writing a holiday diary or sending a postcard to Granny and Grandad.
  • Practise telling the time to the hour and half hour on a clock with hands.
  • Practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s, talk about ‘more than’ and ‘less than’ and look for 2D and 3D shapes in the world around you.
  • Practise handwriting and letter formation. If your child has a weak grip or struggles to hold a pencil, strengthen their fingers using activities such as playdough, bead threading, construction with bricks and card lacing. 
  • Letter formation -
  • Number formation -


Friday 9th September 2022:

MyMaths login details will be sent home. Please log in to find this week's homework. 


Thank you for your continued support. 

Year 1 team. 
